Holiday Party Ideas
We are servicing bartenders for an average of 5 parties per day this December, on the weekends. When doing something in repetition you begin to notice similarities and differences, and now (drum roll please) I will offer my opinionated advice for planning a successful holiday party. There are three things you should do and one thing you should not do for every successful holiday party.
You should provide festive decorations. This year I've attended parties well decorated and those that were not. Decorations seem to play a key roll in getting the cheer factor up. Maybe it's just coincidence, but I am going to vote for cheery festive decor at any holiday party. It's easy! You can even buy the stuff you need online.
You should have something special to drink. Ya Ya, so says the bartending service, but wait, this dose not have to be alcoholic. You can provide non-alcoholic Christmas punch or a custom made Christmas cocktail. Just take the time to make it yourself! Don't buy something from you local grocery store. Making a special drink for your guests will provide great conversation and that extra personal touch to the party. Don't know any recipes? Get a free one at www.TennesseeBartenders.com.
You should have hors d' oeuvres or snacks and not a full meal. That is correct! Go the cheap route I say. In my opinion, you should provide either lite or heavy hors d' oeuvres depending on what you wish to spend, and not a full course buffet. Holiday parties don't get going till after a couple hours and when a full meal is served, most guests seem to get sleepy or go home when the meal is over. Serving snacks and interesting treats throughout the night will keep your guests motivated, engaged, and awake. Also, if your serving sweets, wait till later in the evening to let guests see them. If you have servers, instruct them to pass them later in the evening, and not 10 minutes after guests arrive.
You should not self cater. Hire us! Seriously, I have attended 2 parties this year where the host's provided the service. The parties were great, but the host's were nowhere to be seen. At the end of the parties I thanked my friends, but noticed that they were pretty much not included in the fun, as they were working all night. But everyone can't afford service you say? Fear not! Tennessee Bartenders can put together a smashing party starting from $299. All you have to do is provide the spirits.
Christmas CocoaNog Cocktail Recipe
High volume frozen cocktails with Buffet's Frozen Concoction Maker
Tennessee Volunteer Cocktail Recipe!
.5 oz gin
.5 oz lt. tequila
1.5 oz OJ
1.5 oz Pineapple
Splash of Mountain Dew
Garnish with a "Big Orange" wedge
This drink is one of my most favorite creations. I call it the Tennessee Volunteer. The drink recipe tastes great and represents those vol colors well! First pour all liquors over ice in your shaker along with the OJ and pineapple juice. Shake the ingredients well then pour in a tall glass on the rocks. Top the concoction with a splash of mountain dew or sprite and garnish with a nice orange wedge. A great drink for any volunteer tailgating fan to whip up! Rate this drink and view more recipes at www.TennesseeBartenders.com/theme_packages.html.
A reception at Bluff Mountain Inn

Use the Knoxville Museum of Art for your party!

The Knoxville Museum of Art (KMA) is a great place for any event. My company Tennessee Bartenders has bartended many functions here and some of those events can be viewed on our photos page. The photo above was a very simple bar we did for East Tennessee Community Services, a non-profitt orginazation in TN. This small function was held indoors but guests can also mingle outdoors. In the past, we have done some very large events here! The museum is one of my favorite venues for large scale weddings. The KMA offers a central hall that is ideal for bands, eye pleasing art, clean facilities, and the ability to move in and outdoors quickly. While any plain room will do for smaller parties, having this type of set-up is great for those 300+ person events. If you need bartending services at the KMA please contact us.
New Blog Site Exclusive For Bartenders
There is a new site that is listing 100% bar related blogs. We have just posted our bar related blog on this site and it's absolutely free. If you get a chance go to www.BartendingBlogs.com and submit your bar blog stuff to get some free blog traffic. The page is very new so not many people have posted there yet, but I think after some time goes by this could turn into a fun read for bartenders. Well take it easy and keep Tennessee Bartenders in mind for any bar jobs you know of the Volunteer state!
Wedding and Party Bar Q&A with the Bartender.
Should I buy kegs or bottled beer for my reception?
Typically, kegs are cheaper than bottles, but bottles will offer greater variety. Kegs are often considered when hosting parties of 80 or more people. At the end, unused bottles can be taken home, while left over keg juice is wasted.
How many bartenders do I need for my party?
The industry average is about 1 bartender per 75 guests, for beer and wine only events, and 1 per 50 at a full liquor bar event. Many good tenders can push this number to 1 per 125 (beer/wine only) or 1 per 75 (full bar), but at wedding receptions, most brides agree that it's better to be overstaffed with no waiting time for drinks.
How much alcohol will I need for our event?
Figure about 2-3 drinks per person in most situations. For more info see my custom designed formula for figuring these amounts, also on our blogs page.
Do I need liqueurs in the bar selection?
If you are serving a full liquor bar then you should buy a bottle of Triple Sec at the bare minimum. If you wish to offer a certain type of cocktail at your reception, then check out the recipes to ensure you have the alcoholic ingredients required, as many popular cocktails use them.
What about the toast?
The most common mistake is for a couple to not get schedules to the bartenders. Pouring and passing out the toast glasses will usually take the tenders about 5 minutes, and having to wait 5 minutes can really choke up a good speech. Make sure the bartenders have the schedule and this way they can coordinate a secret hand signal or send morris code to the DJ (you get the idea).
What about tip jars?
First let me say, I have no opinion on this, I am just offering the facts. In my experience about 70% of weddings request no tip jars and in this case the tip can be handled through the host. The other 30% could care less. I have never noticed a guest having a problem with a tip jar and a decent number of guests will tip even when told there is no tip jar and its covered. However, many hosts are absolutely against this. Personally, I can give great arguements for both sides and you should make the decision you are comfortable with. Most wedding planners will advise against tip jars. If you are unsure of what to do here just handle it yourself.
What liquors do I need?
The standard bar will have vodka, tequila, rum, gin, and whiskey. However, I will attempt to rate the liquors I think are most important and popular by experience. If you wish to offer a smaller than above, start at the top of the list and go down according to your budget limits.
1. Whiskeys (Crown or Jack will go very fast in most circumstances)
2. Vodka (Rarely asked for by name, so buy a lot of one brand and your good)
3. Gin (Martinis are always asked for by someone, but not in huge numbers)
4. Rum (Great for the person who always asks, what can you make me?)
5. Tequila (Maragaritas are hit or miss, meaning youll go through a ton or none at all)
6. Scotch (Typically, not so popular, but if you have a family member who likes it you may want to buy a bottle)
This concludes our blog, but if you have a question you dont see here just shoot me an email at sales@tennesseebartenders.com. We'll even help you if your not using our services. We love good bar questions.
Theoretical Thanksgiving Cocktail Recipe
Created By: Andy Lakatos
Inspiration: Who Knows
Usually, I have to try recipes and adjust the ingredients to come up with what I think is yum yum. This recipe question just seemed to float to the top of my head this morning. How do you make a Thanksgiving cocktail? Here is the methodology of how I arrived to this combination of mixology selectionizations.
First, I tried to remember the most popular liquor for Thanksgiving, and ofcourse, I came up with Wild Turkey.
Second, I asked myself, self, other than being named after a turkey what does wild turkey have to do with thanksgiving? Eureka, it was corn! Wild turkey is a bourbon so that means it has atleast 51% corn mash, so we'll call this part of the recipe Corn.
Third, I thought what goes with corn on Thanksgiving and its usually potatoes, turkey, and that wierd cranberry junk, so my next step was to add the potatoes in the form of potatoe vodka, so we shall add some Chopin vodka to the mix and call it this part of the recipe Potatoes.
Fourth, we shall add some cranberry juice and call this part of the recipe Canberry Junk.
Fifth, I couldnt think of nada that's distilled with turkey so will garnish this bad boy with a sliver of turkey and this shall make up our final ingredient to the drink, Turkey!
Anyways, I am going to make one of these later this evening and give it a taste with my leftovers. I'll post a picture of the concoction above this post. Be sure to let me know how derranged you guys think this one is! Get more freaky cocktail recipes at http://www.tennesseebartenders.com
What a blast guys! Here is the photo taken of me just after making the cocktail. It was great! You may want to leave out the garnish though. Happy Thanksgiving Day everyone!

How to not spend a fortune on your wedding reception bar!

Gatlinburg bars to your chalet!
Business Machines 25th Anniversary Bar
Fun wedding bar ideas
Featured cocktails are a great benefit you get when hiring Tennessee Bartenders. If you're hosting a fully stocked bar we can design a featured drink named after the host, company, or whatever fits the occasion, at no additional costs. Our featured drinks always consist of either fresh fruits, interesting garnishes, or fancy mix methods
However, there is no need to stop with just one featured drink. You can host a party that consists of specialty cocktails throughout the entire evening. While hosting this type of party will increase your expenditures, the benefits can be very rewarding. To understand how a party can consist of specialty cocktails all night, try to imagine eating a fancy full course meal. Your meal may have an appetizer, salad, soup, main dish, and dessert just like a specialty drink menu.
Here is an example:
Pre-Party Cocktail
Arriving guests are served a custom designed champagne cocktail.
For example, we custom create a fresh fruit puree and mix it with your choice of champagne selection. Add a Garnish of fresh fruit to compliment the puree and you have instant conversation when your guests arrive.
Pre-Meal Cocktails
Served when guests prepare for dinner.
We have cocktail servers walk to each table with a pitcher of fresh fruit sangria. Sangria can be a great compliment to many dishes served before the main course. When guests see the pitchers and listen to the servers description of the sangria, they will realize the effort put into it's preperations.
Main course Cocktails & Drinks
Served during dinner.
Here you can serve a choice of featured liquor cocktails or a nice glass of wine to compliment the meal. The possibilities here are endless, but guests will be impressed, as this 3rd course drink is made available.
After Dinner Dessert & Apperatif
Served after dinner
Now we come to an enjoyable moment of the evening, Dessert! First your guests are treated to one of our premium fondue chocolate fountains (white, dark, or milk chocolate), where they will find an array of fresh strawberries, fruits, salty snacks, and interesting sweets. As your chocolate cravings are satisfied they will be served a glass of sherry.
Planning a full course drink menu can be rewarding, but be sure to plan carefully. You don't want foods sweeter than your apperitif for example, and always sample your selections when possible. If your planning a 5 star meal, be sure to create a 5 star drink menu by pairing your spirits accordingly. You're guests will notice and appreciate the difference, as such details are often overlooked. Can you remember the last time your meal was paired with drink selections?
For help with pairing drinks contact our email address sales@tennesseebartenders.com
Tennessee Fall Wedding Reception Bar
Customized Halloween Bar Party
On October 27th we catered an awesome halloween bar package for a 30th birthday & Halloween costume party. You can view more photos at www.TennesseeBartenders.com/photos.html by scrolling down to Zenda's halloween party.
The rear bar featured a giant 30, that we custom cut, and had a huge spider crawling over it with webs everywhere. This was placed on one of our custom oak bar toppers with accent lighting. Glassware included drinking, highballs, and a specially bought custom margarita glass used for the fresh frozen margaritas and daiquiries. Strobe lights were strategically placed to give the hand made "Happy Zendaween" its glow effects!
The front of the bar had a talking head with light up eyes that talked, a mood light wine chiller, custom carved pumpkin menu with drink selection, bleeding skull candle, and ofcourse our margaritaville concoction maker.
For the drinks we had fresh strawberries, oranges, lemons, limes, and cherries, artfully arranged on halloween pics for garnishes. The glasses were rimmed with orange colored sugar or green margarita salt for emphasis. Special spooky halloween straws were used in all of the frozen drinks.
Also, we designed an awesome dessert bar for this party complete with a glow in the dark b-day cake. The cake was designed with a giant glow in the dark 30 that was held up by our scary little witch, who was the centerpeace. The rest of the table was filled with goodies for the chocolate fountain. The pinhead pumpkin was especially neat with cookies on a stick coming out of his head. This pumpkin remind me of pinhead from hellraiser. Each guest had to reach under a 4' huge spider to get their plates and silverware. What a blast!
Ten Reasons to use Tennessee Bartenders
2. We provide professional bartenders for the most important bar of your life, no temp agencies here.
3. We offer more extras like rare mixers, cool bar props, and specialty drink items.
4. We are ABC certified.
5. Your wedding is not the place for someone to learn a new trade, like bartending. This is why we only employ experienced bartenders.
6. We let our work speak for itself. View pictures of past events and a list of references on our web page: www.TennesseeBartenders.com.
7. Bartending is not just a part-time job for us, it's our career.
8. Our standard packages come complete with all the rentals you need like glassware, linens, tables, ice, coolers, and more.
9. With chef style garnishes and custom designed drinks to match your wedding theme, we offer a bar above the rest.
10. We offer a variety of bar equipment and props to truly offer a unique bar setting.
Drink Amounts & Conversions
(1) drink = (1) 5oz glass of wine = (1) 1oz shot 80 proof = (1) 12oz beer
Note: The body eliminates about 1 drink per hour.
(1) keg of beer = (144) 12 oz. beers
(1) 750ml bottle of wine = (5) glasses of wine
(1) 1L bottle of liquor = (33) 1oz drinks
(1) 1 oz shot = 30ml = 2 Tablespoons
Need more handy tidbits about alcohol or fun drink recipes? Visit www.TennesseeBartenders.com
Who is Tennessee Bartenders?
Not long after starting this company I realized the need for this service and decide to make a go of it. Now Tennessee Bartenders has blossomed into the largest provider of private bartending services in Tennessee. With our own health insurance program, over 20 bartenders, and a huge inventory of party rentals we now have the ability to provide catering equipment and bar services for 6-8 private events per day.
Our services focus on three main items which are chocolate fountains, cakes, and bartenders for events. Our cakes are designed by my mother Penny Mcmurry. Penny does'nt just design our cakes because she's my mom! She has designed some of the largest sculptured cakes in the world and has a vast knowledge of the cake business. She has a long history in cake design and for many years owned Penny's Cake Shop in Knoxville, TN. Bartending is my specialty and everyone we hire is trained on, not only the aspects of good bar service, but proper catering procedures to ensure we are prepared for anything. All of our bartenders often talk shop on how we can create the next best cocktail for our customers.
I believe our success has been possible for several distinct reasons. The most obvious reason for me to say is that people like us. We know how to act at each event and will strive to make sure it is a success. I feel this has been proven by our guest comments and repeat customers. Next, I think our willingness to spend big money on equipment provides a bar setting for our customers that is top-notch. While every customer may not notice this, we believe it helps to provide a high level of service. Last I believe that our drink designs help to set us apart from the typical caterer. With years of experience mixing drinks I have started to take an interest in matching cocktail recipes and pairing custom made drinks with the caterer's food selection. Deluging our guests with an assortment of never before seen drink creations adds to the excitement of a Tenneessee Bartenders hosted event. We don't make your bar good we make it outstanding!
If you need help designing or creating a bar set-up contact us anytime as we love to talk bar! Also, be sure to browse our recipes page for a listing of custom designed drink recipes.
Andy Lakatos
(865) 357-0404 office