
Drink Amounts & Conversions

Just some popular conversions for your drinking information.

(1) drink = (1) 5oz glass of wine = (1) 1oz shot 80 proof = (1) 12oz beer
Note: The body eliminates about 1 drink per hour.

(1) keg of beer = (144) 12 oz. beers

(1) 750ml bottle of wine = (5) glasses of wine

(1) 1L bottle of liquor = (33) 1oz drinks

(1) 1 oz shot = 30ml = 2 Tablespoons

Need more handy tidbits about alcohol or fun drink recipes? Visit www.TennesseeBartenders.com

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great info, especially if you are trying to budget for a party!
